My anti-aging essential oils

from Editions Leduc.s.
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First wrinkles, menopause, weight gain ... Discover your best natural shields to stay in shape despite the passage of years. This book contains the ABC of the most common ailments and the solutions to treat them naturally, but also simple tips to apply daily to help your body maintain its balance.

Form, health, beauty ... The best anti-aging essential oils

First wrinkles, fatigue, menopause, weight gain, sudden aging of the skin ... The passage of the years has many consequences on our general state and it is not always easy to accept this body that changes and that we do not recognizes more.

Fortunately, essential oils are there to help us pass these different stages, limiting the effects of time and mitigating some symptoms sometimes very annoying.

In this book, discover :
  • Armoise, sage, lemon balm ... the best plants and essential oils to protect bones, skin, heart ... to each his specialties!
  • Hot flashes, fatigue, sadness, wrinkles ... the complete ABC of the most common ailments and all the solutions to treat them naturally.
  • Simple tips to apply daily: preferred foods (salmon, flax seeds, green tea ...), beauty tips to keep radiance and youth, suggestions for physical activity ... something to help the body to rebalance and feel fit .
  • Self-massage (drawings with specific points to stimulate) to relieve quickly and well pains and small evils !!


Danièle Festy has long been a pharmacist. Passionate about essential oils, she is the author of "My bible of essential oils", "Treat yourself with essential oils during pregnancy" or "Essential oils, it works!".

My anti-aging essential oils , Éditions Leduc. Danièle Festy, 320 pages.
Size of the book: approximately 21 cm x 15 cm.

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